Walking barefoot and being grounded

Walking along the beach in Nuevo Vallarta

We often describe someone who is not grounded as being unfocused and all over the place. The description is both literal and metaphorical.  With an electrical circuit, it is recommended to have grounding or that third Earth connection.  

In alternative medicine, there is always much talk about “energy.”  I understand that to some it might sound a little flaky and has done little to persuade those inclined to more scientific thinking. 

There has been interesting research done by Dr. James Oschman and Clinton Ober on how Earth Energy can help someone towards a healthier life.  It is described in a book entitled “Earthing”  (by Clinton Ober, Basic Health Publications, 2010). Although not universally accepted by all scientists, the idea is very interesting.

“Earthing” is the practice of walking barefoot. It’s connection to the Earth.  We all know how good it feels to walk without shoes, whether that be on grass or on sand. I tend to feel trapped and uncomfortable when I wear any kind of a formal shoe.  I am not sure whether this discomfort for me started when I moved from the corporate world to a healing profession. Perhaps at that time I developed a greater awareness of my own body.

As many of you know, I am an avid walker and, in 2010, walked the 800 kilometre of the Camino in Spain, again in 2015 and a different route of 1000 kilometre in 2017. This journey was for me a walking meditation and therefore already an exercise in grounding. I can now only imagine the benefits of making this journey barefoot the next time I walk the Camino.  

The feet connect us with the ground and this is perhaps why feet are so important to look after. They also carry our weight when we are upright so good foot health is already important as a bare necessity for mobility. As reflexologists are aware, the stimulation of the feet affects the whole body.  Similarly, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture point Kidney 1 in the middle of the ball of the foot is highly significant.

According to Dr. Oschman, when we are connected to the ground there is a free flow of electrons to the body, and these free electrons provide us with a powerful source of antioxidants. Most diseases are examples of chronic inflammation and lead to cancer, diabetes and many other systemic problems. With grounding there is a transfer of free electrons from the earth into the body.  This will reduce levels of inflammation.

With any bump or scrape to the body, the immune system response is to send white blood cells (neutrophils) to the site of injury. These white blood cells secrete free radicals in what is called an oxidative burst.  This inflammatory response has five characteristics: pain, redness, heat, reduced range of motion and swelling.  Initially inflammation is beneficial and is an important part of the healing process.  However, longstanding, or chronic inflammation, is undesirable.  

Inflammation is caused by a lack of electrons in the body tissue. Free radicals (positive particles) can leak into and damage healthy tissue. Research conducted by Oschman  suggests that by placing your feet on the ground after an injury, electrons (negative particles) might migrate into the body and spread through the tissues.  Any free radicals therefore that have leaked into healthy tissue will immediately be neutralised.

When we insulate ourselves from the earth by putting rubber and plastic on the bottom of our shoes, perhaps we are doing ourselves an immense disservice and causing a big disconnect from the ground. 

On my three month sabbatical here in Mexico, I have most days taken the opportunity to walk the beach barefoot. It is restorative and an important part of my process of rejuvenation.   If you aren’t close to the beach, walking on grass, especially wet grass, is also grounding. I recommend it.

These geese are grounded !!!! - (my photo from Riverdale Farms)

Yes, walking on sand is usually grounding, but not if you are a professional golfer !!!!! (from 2024 PGA in Puerto Vallarta)


Benefits of walking


Food and Medicine